Films 2024

Experience the Fraud Film Festival live at the illustrious Koninklijk Theater Tuschinski in Amsterdam. Join us for a captivating showcase of films that delve deep into the world of fraud, deception, and ethical dilemmas.

Ticking Time Bomb: The Truth Behind Takata Airbags

Nearly 60 years after Agent Orange, the deadliest chemical weapon in wartime history, was deployed, a Vietnamese and an American activist are rallying against the chemical industry. They seek justice on both sides of the ocean.

 NL Arbeidsinspectie | BDO 

Burden of Peace

How can peace and security be established in a small country where over twenty people are murdered every day? Guatemala is a haven for murderers, thieves, and rapists, with hardly anyone ever being arrested or convicted. "Burden of Peace" tells the compelling story of Claudia Paz y Paz, the first woman to lead the Public Prosecutor's Office, as she battles against drug gangs, corruption, and impunity.


The People vs Agent Orange

Nearly 60 years after Agent Orange, the deadliest chemical weapon in wartime history, was deployed, a Vietnamese and an American activist are rallying against the chemical industry. They seek justice on both sides of the ocean.


Lords of Scam

Portret van de opkomst en de val van oplichters van het EU-systeem voor emissiehandel. Ze verdienden miljoenen maar hielpen elkaar ten onder.

Deloitte | Rabobank

While We Watched

A powerful depiction of the gradual demise of the free press in India. This documentary chronicles popular journalist Ravish Kumar's fight against increasing populism and censorship in India. It captures his personal and professional battles, serving as both a reflection and a warning for Europe and the West in a year when half the world is heading to the polls.

Fraude Film Festival 

Tax Wars: The Battle for Tax Justice

How can we combat global tax avoidance by multinational corporations? Tax Wars follows leading thinkers, including Thomas Piketty, Joseph Stiglitz, and Jayati Ghosh, across four continents in their fight for Fiscal Justice. Their mission: to end 'the theft of the century.

Belastingdienst | Fortress

Fraud Film Festival 2024

7 and 8 November 2024