Video Aspect Ratio: 16:9

Fraud Film Festival

 7 and 8 November 2024

An annual festival of films, documentaries, workshops, interviews, and networking about fraud and fraud prevention.

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The Fraud Film Festival

A two-day film festival about fraud in the broadest sense: fraud, corruption, deception, and integrity issues. These are all forces that visibly and invisibly undermine society. The festival puts these issues in the spotlight. The Fraud Film Festival aims to raise public awareness of fraud and help find solutions through documentaries, films, insightful sessions, and lively panel discussions.

The Fraud Film Festival is a unique initiative of Rob Otjens and has been organized annually since 2014.

9 years

Fascinating films and documentaries


Enthusiastic visitors


Engaged partners
Films & documentaires
Dive into the world of fraud and corruption
Connect and join forces in the fight against fraud
Anti Fraud Award
And the award goes to…
Inhouse production
The Fraud Film Festival within the confines of your own company

Sign-up for the newsletter

So you know what’s happening

Call to filmmakers and documentary makers!

Do you make documentaries that expose fraud, corruption, scams, and integrity issues? We are looking for films and documentaries that highlight these crucial issues.

Your project can be a powerful tool to create awareness and inspire the world to change. Whether individual cases or wider systemic issues, your story can make a difference.In short; don't hesitate to send us your film or documentary.

Together, we can make an impact. Send it in and let your voice be heard!

Mail us at 


The Film Festival Fraud Foundation is a non-profit organization with ANBI status that is committed to organizing a film festival.